Thursday, July 23, 2009

singapore trip

will update on the trip

in the mean time enjoy the piccasss

Friday, July 3, 2009


friday already. i feel that this week is sooo long.
we will go back to Jengka this weekend. got kenduri kahwin at hubby's side and small kenduri organizes by mak n soleha. so more makan n makan lah tis weekend.
today myself and colleague, planned to pay a visit to this one spa nearby our office. ive planned to do a full body massage and zely wanted to do the foot massage. but after we ate at ooh-cha, i flet so full and i dunt think full body massage would be appropriate, so i changed my plan to facial massage. zely pun nak buat the same thing. so we pun enter this spa and there was one guy sitting at the reception, so we just redah and told him that we wanted to do this and that lah. but the guy said the spa is currently is full and will be available at 2pm. after thinking awhile, we said oklah we booked since our lunch hour for friday is till 2.45pm. we went back to th office and waiting at the lobby, and we borak2. i told zely i wanted to do manicure and pedicure and clever and shophaholic zely terus jerit and said 'lets go to Capsquare, there is one kedai utk mani and pedi'. well excited hearing that, we both bangun and straight away headed to CapSquare. hahhaha. nvrmindlah the spa tu since we both feel that spa is bit spooky looking at the guy at the reception area and there was another guy (seems like a driver) sitting at the sofa looking so suspicious. upon arriving at CS, we terus masuk this kedai 'nail parlour' and noticed that the price for meni is just 30 bucks and pedi is 40 bucks. oklah cheap one and we terus meet the sales assistant. however, she said that the place is full and asked us to come back at 3pm. keciwa duhhh! the we decided to go for coffea jer lah and went to coffee bean. but weve planned to go both planned we gonna go jugaklah one of the weekdays next week.
oklah ngantuknya *sleep, yawn*
p/s: have i told u all bout my last trip to SinCity, my 1st ever overseas (if it can be used, nway yes, we have to go thru the bridge and laut. later ill blog on that!promise!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

im back

well well i am
fuhhhh, i havent blogged for soooo long.quite bz with family stuff.
To start with, tyra is finaallly here. yeah, im bit nervous at first when we took heer from nenek, well you know tyra has been staying with nenek for almost 2 years n to make thing worse she couldnt accept bibik lagi that alhamdullillah thing is STILL under ctrl till now. tyra is really a smart and good girl (really!), myself n hubby always remind her that she will be staying with bibik n pls dunt notty2 and she could understand it. to our surprise she never (till todate) crying when we leave her with the bibik. she would ask the bibik to play with her, main masak2, main basikal etc, she will also tell bibik that she is mengantuk n want to sleep n nak susu. very easy lah! but this is only happen when she is staying with bibik lah, however when im around, she will become cranky, manja, want to 'dukung' etc. well yours truly ni pulak is soooo lazy to play with her or to layan her. im such a bad mom! feel guilty sometime. luckly i got an understanding hubby(when he is not busylah) so that we could ganti2 to entertain her. tp if hubby has to work/got meeting, then it will be different story, then ill becoming the master of tai chi. ermmm, yeslah! i have to layan tyra playing, then the maid also has to be guided. fyi, i cook everyday, so everynight the maid has to prepare all the ingredients, so that the next morning i cld cook easily and jimat masa. hehehhe

on the other note, it was my 28th b'day on 28/6/2009. as promised (read:requested by me) hubby bought me the gold bangle. hahaa it cost fortune for him. he said ' no more gold after this!' i said "OK (read: yooor lah tu, nak lagi, nak lagi). thank you sayang! it feel really great to get something from someone special in ur life n more special if it is expensive..................NOT!kidding jer! n i feel a bit emotional/melancholic (read: wanted to cry) when hubby wishes me a happy b'day. dunt know why, tapi i think coz i keep remembering how many things that we have been thru together, the ups and downs and alhamdullillah i still have a chance to hear the bday wish from hubby and tyra. thanks abang for the wish and present and may ALLAH bless our marriage till forever and ever! i love u sooo much. to athirah, thanks for singing the bday song to mama!very cute and i cld understand u well! i know very soon you will understand the meaning of b'day and by that time, kopaklah duit mama n babah. hahhaha~
ok gtg, got job to do.
bye xoxo

p/s: ill promise myself to update the blog regularly!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kris Allen is the WINNER!

yeay!my fav Kris Allen won AI. yeay!!

the 'underdog' as what people labelled him, but i knew he could win this season and ITS PROVEN TRUE!hehhehe

no doubt adam did a food job last nite, however the theateritical way of singing and the "BLAAA" ( u know what i mean!) way of singing make me 'scared' hahhahah. looking at kris, he potrayed a heartrob type, soft, kind and the list goes on.

on the personal note, ive proven to hubby that im not a 'minority' (thats what he called me when talking bout music preferences), just that my taste is not really the MALAYSIAN kinda music stream!hahahhaha.i enjoyed listening to western music or senang cakap lagu orang putih and thats why i like malaysian artist who has a resemblance with the orang putih's music. hehheheh
(sure hubby nak muntah) hahhahahah

BUT its true, i enjoyed music which is new to malaysia but i know its HOT n IN outside malaysia., except that i do love Siti Nurhaliza till now.
n with Kris won the AI, its proven that im NOT the minority ( maybe a minority to you, abang) but i have a taste which is the same with the majority of American who has chosen Kris!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

American Idol

Its Kris vs Adam in the final..............

p/s: abang, nampaknya kita akan sama2 berlawan each other next week!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


its so shameful looking at the current political crisis in Perak.
why cant just the decision on who should be the MB goes back to Perakian?
i also just cant understand people who saying that the election is wasting people money?
where do you get the info on that n how sure all these while the said 'money' is well reserved?those people who think that way should go back to root of the problem, if the MP/Assemblyman intentionally vacated/resigned from the position without giving concrete reason, then it could be called as 'wasting people money'. however if the MP/Assemblyman threatened to resign/vacate the position which happpened to ADUN Bukit Selambau, so how we are going to do that?
back to Perak's crisis, i just hope that the fresh election to be called and let rakyat choose who shoud be the leader in Perak? To all politician, please remember that you wouldnt in your position if we the Rakyar dont elected for you, so please behave well and do your job! after all Malaysia is a Democratic country and we the rakyat have our own right to choose who we want to be the leader.period.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


damn! i just ate nasi with ikan bilis goreng....
damn!! padahal saya baru sahaja pergi gym n after that saya makan
how come this thing happened?can someone tell me?
and rite after definetely will sleep....there my exercise go!!!!!

American Idol

yes, my fav contestant Kris Allen still in the competition.....
Allison was out ...kuang kuang
yeah i know the chances for Kris to win AI very slim..however i just love to see him performing at the final ..
3 of them (Kris, Adam n Danny) gonna make a trip to their hometown next week and they gonna sing 2 songs of which one is judges choice and another one is their own fav.
ok cant wait for next week

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


why suddenly i felt so hot, hot n hot! need some air lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!can someone tell me how should i deal with the "HOT" thingy?
i need to be rationale however past experience will always be a guide on how u should treat ppl. experience is still the best teacher.................


i supposed to blog something bout ppl around me yesterday but after consulting hubby, he's of the opinion i should avoid myself blogging bout other ppl. yes, true enuff, mana tau suddenly someone yg i blog about terbaca, matilah i kan. actually my intention to blog about someone tu just to share story bout problem and how to solve that particular problem tapi hubby not allowed to do so.
ok this gonna be a quick update, i just finished one paper and already submiited to the boss. i think he is still perusing the paper...jap lagi berbunyi lah phone ni..he wil call to discuss on my paper. this is my work routine, preparing a risk paper. such a boring job lah!
nowadays the loan application is quite slow and my work pun very slow lah. remember bout the rumours (the reshuffling thingy) i told before, todate we havent received email from HR informing bout that matter. what i know the efective date for the reshuffling matter was on 1/5/2009 tp the email still tak keluar lagi. i knew i selamat ...according to most reliable source hahaha YES!
thats all for today, will blog again
p/s: manalah bos aku ni masih tak panggil2 lagi, orang nak balik awal ari ni..........

Monday, May 4, 2009


nothing much happened for last week except that long holiday which means longer time spent with tyra.
if u all noticed ive put mixpod in my blog. all the songs are my favorite at this moment, one of them is from Kris Allen. i really really like the week where he sand Donna Summer's "She works hard for the money'. hope he could go to final!
on the other hand, tyra is growing up well. her vocabulary is tremendously brilliant. i could understand what she says and she could understand me as well. she behaves like an adult and the most shocking thing that she could do is to manipulate/twist the story. fyi, she still doesnt like the maid. i dont know why, she keep bullying the maid until todate. however she would tell us different story about the maid. contohnya, she pinched/beated the maid, however she would tell me and hubby the other way round like 'mama,bibik bit yah' (mama, bibik cubit tyra, nway she still call herself YAH) hahahhah. brilliant isnt it for girl below 2yo?
myself and hubby risau jugak looking at this situation as we planned to bring tyra to KL end of May, by then, we're hoping that tyra could accept the maid. she would be staying with the maid while im working.ya ALLAH, mintaklah the plan goes smoothly.
remember, ive blogged bout the interview that i attended last Feb. yesterday, i kemas my handbag and suddently found biz card from a lady from C*** who was also attended the same interview. so i think to email her to know the status of the interview , so today she infrmed me that she has got a letter and the bank offered her the post, however she is considered as reserve.her fren just accepted the offer and would lapor diri this coming June. I was soooo frustrated knowing that. i was hoping that they would offer me the post. tp tak de rezeki, dahlah interview UiTM ari tu tak gi gak. hey!how pathetic kan? nevermind adalah hikmahnya tu kan...
oklah im sleepy *yawn* and tired coz i went to gym today and kena denda with the instructor since i didnt go to gym last week eating hahhaha
oklah good nite everybadeh!

Friday, April 17, 2009


salam ....................

im feeling very lazy at this moment. we are supposed to have a department meeting, however the bigg boss is having another meeting. so we have to wait for him for the meeting. i couldnt understand why the big boss still arranged for a meeting when he knows that he has another meeting which is more important to attend. this is not the first time, this thing happened. last friday he was the one who asked for a meeting with the consultant, however on friday he cldnt attend the meeting. ishhhh tak paham tul. what are the functions of his so called secretary tu? i supposed the secretary should arrange the boss's schedule accordingly so that any meeting/discussions/visit do not overlap/miss-out. i pun tak paham lah kat sini. ive noticed here, there are so many meetings, yet the company is still messy (or even messier) day by day.

few rumours have been spread in the department for the past few days. one of it is on the bonus and increment. its been tabled to the BOD's meeting today. The Management is proposing for a bonus and increment,YEAY!!!!however even if the BOD has given a nod its still subject to MOF's approval. i just hoping that the bonus ada lah. coz lots of plans this year, hubby and myself have planned to go to few places inside n outside Malaysia. Hubby said rugilah cost of preparing the passport if we were not going anywhere this year..............cant wait bestnyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

super duper maid


quite bz for the past few weeks ....n explained why there was a silent here.

so many things happened, let start with weekend, as usual went back to kampung to lawat tyra. our routine since tyra staying with granny. talking bout tyra's milestone she is soo cheeky n smart, she could understand whatever that we instructed her to do, she could also 'menyampuk' whenever i n hubby borak. she can sing n dance very well (dont know where she inherit it from, hubby kot), but the move so funny. her favorite song is Matta, Ketahuan.

on the other note, finally the maid was here. we picked her up at Subang airport last two quite nervous to be honest when been informed by the agent that she is coming. yeah, funny kan. tapi tulah she is kinda new family member, where she would be staying with us 24-7, so basically she will know me, my hubby my whole family in and out. our maid is from medan and the first thing lingered in my mind the first time i saw her was 'wow, pinknyer dia n kecil giler k'. i was thinking ' this is not actually the maid that i wanted, coz im looking for someone yang kinda decent and nampak kekampungan. but my maid ni is far away from my expectation. after that me and hubby did talk to her a bit lah, asking dah makan belum and she told us makan pukul 10. since we gonna straight away head to Jengka, better to take dinner with the maid lah kan. kang pengsan pula she coz she didnt look well the moment we saw her. she told us that she sejuk, yerlah we understandlah kan naik flight first time and so on. during the journey, the maid puked coz she doesnt biasa naik kereta. very dramatic lah since we have to stop few times at the hi-way coz dia nak muntah. so we were like 'alamak she really need to eat lah, perut dah kosng sangat ni'. so huby decided to stop at one restaurant at Gombak and i really excited to go there since the last time we ate there was like 1 ++ year ago. we were not really hungry that time tapi can eatlah. when we arrived at the restaurant, the maid was sleeping and i wake her up lah. suprisingly she didnt want to get up coz not hungry. i told hubby and hubby pun asked her to wake up tp she still laying in the car and ignored us. i was like "OMG,WTH!!!not even 1 hour she already showed her true colours!" ni tak leh jadi ni. hubby also feel the same and said its not a good signlah.ok we both calmed down, never mind let give her a chance considering she's not feeling well.
we arrived at Jengka around 9pm and we kejutkan the maid.she bangun and we asked her to bring the plastic that contains her muntah. once she get out from the car spontenously she thrown away the plastic. hubby pun shouting at her upon seeing she thrown away the plastic. yerlah imagine she buang the plastik kat halaman rumah, muntah dia ok!i think she really terkejut lepas dgr jeritan hubby so di terduduk tau, crying i guess. my oh my. we both ignored her and asked her to come inside the hse. i even sediakan tempat tidur dia since dia kena tido kat ruang tamu, and she slept for the rest of the nite.
in the morning she woke up at 7am and i instructed (im a boss k) her to take bath coz well i already arranged the ice-breaking session bla bla. (u know the normal thing the boss will do with the new staff at the office heh!)i n hubby explained to her what we expect her to do and one of it is to perform solat. yes solat!she is muslim as ive been informed by the agent. she has no excuses not to do so, and this maid who is really brilliant surprised us AGAIN by saying that she doesnt know how to perform solat. her parents also dont perform solat.WHAT?inhale, exhale fuhhhh!ok we said nevermind we will teach you which i dont even confident that i would be able to do so. imagine how hard to teach a lady whose age is 24yo to baca bacaan solat, far away to teach her to recite al-quran. bolehlah i ajar tp it would take time, silap2 nanti tyra lagi pandai dari dia (nway tyra is cleverer day by day).my mom n sisters willing to help to teach her nanti, ok relief sikit hearing that.
after that ice-breaking session she proceed to do the pukul 11 she sleep since her pusing-ness masih tak hilang lagi she said.ok nevermind, sleep lah!i n hubby went for shopping buying the maid's necessities. imagine this, we arrived at the hse at 3pm and guess what?the maid is still sleeping!inhale, exhale fuhhh!i cannot tahan n woke her up. she woke up tp buat muka ok!her muka was like 'hey, wth u wake me up, aku pusing ok!tak habis pusing lagi ni!' i asked her 'masih pusing ke?' 'yes' she said. i asked her to wake up and take her lunch to reduce her pusing-ness.she reluctant tau which made me geram and i hashly asked her 'r u really pusing or u teringat ur family?' my oh my, she cried again and admitted that she missed her family and and people she even asked me TO SEND HER HOME!no more inhale and exhale, this time i falled onto the floor and coma for few hours, i need a CPR!i called my hubby for CPR, mouth to mouth fuh fuh fuh n i woke up "WHAT !GOING HOME AFTER NOT EVEN 24 HRS ARRIVING AT MALAYSIA'. well well at that time i was thinking to apply to the Malaysia Guiness Book of Record to award/record me as 'THE BEST EMPLOYER' well for allowing maid to wrk for me for less than 24hours. im the best employer and my maid is actually not a maid kan,im wrong i should call her a TOURIST!yes a tourist!
hubby calm as he is, said 'ok nevermind we give u time, we'll discuss bout it tonite.we went to atok's hse and discussing with them on the matter and we came up with few plans. came nite, we went back to mom's hse and called the maid to discuss on the matter. hubby start the conversation, i dah malas i dah tawar hati.she reiterated the same thing she wanted to go home. hubby said ok, u could do so but you need to understand few things. first: we have paid about IDR7 million and since you've been here less than 24 hours, u've breached the contract. so so you need to pay us that sum immediately. if u cldnt do so, we will ask the agent to find a replacement and we will not pay a single cents on that coz u'll pay for that!if u cldnt do anyone of them,we will terminate ur visa and u can go back to ur country on your own. the least we cld help is to send u to the airport. all the matters such as buying the flight ticket have to do by yourselves.upon hearing that, she looked confused and immidiately saying that she wanna stay, this was the time when i started talking ' no!i want a firm answer and i wanted an ikhlas answer. i dunt want u to keep changing the answer, sekejap yes, sekejap no. after that, the agent called (as i told the agent on the matter and he promised to allow the family to talk to her) and the maid talked to the agent and her family. all of them have pujuk her to stay and inform her on the consequences if she went home. i even expressed my dissapointment to the agent for what has happened. he asked me to give a second chance as he belives that the maid cld do the job and really wanted to work. since the maid agreed to stay, well as a boss (big boss) i have learnt that i cldnt bagi muka to this maid, i even cldnt talk softly and politely, i have to be LOUD and FIRM. i warned her that i dont want this thing to be happened again. i even tegur her for her behaviour for the past 24 hrs. i siap cakap my trust pada dia dah kurang and she has to gain the trust from me.
huh, so panjang cerita pasal maid ni. now, the maid is showing a positive sign alhamdullillah and hopely the positive attitude will be lasted for the rest of her tenure with me. AMIN

Monday, April 6, 2009



i feel sooo tired today, badan sakit2, maybe becoz of the exercise yesterday.

i jogged yesterday with my bro n sis. hubby didnt want to go biasalah he kan dah skinny (uwek!). After jogging tu, i took roti canai n pecai for breakfast. hurm. hahahhaha.mcmanalah nak kurus. hubby has promised to pay for gym this month.cant wait to go, as i really need a good exercise. yesterday pun, i rasa mcm nak pengsan ..haha can u imagine i havent jog/exercise for about a year or maybe 2 years, after giving birth to tyra. so now dont talk much kena exercise and im aiming to reduce 55kg for a start, later baru bawah 55kg
wish me luck everybody!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


im soooo bengang today.
i started off my day very well until i checked my Yahoo email. Initially i checked the email for purpose of registration at KDN. ill tell on the KDN thingy in another entry lah. so ntah mcmana tergerak hati nak check the SPAM.tup tup there was an email from UiTM. my heart was like dup dap dup dap. upon reading the title of the email, i was sooo happy, i knew ive been shorlisted, yeayyyyyyy!However, when i read further, yes true enough ive been shortlisted for the scholarship BUT the interview was yesterday. i mean YESTERDAY 2/4/2009. i was ssoooo shocked. 'is this a joke?Yes, tell me its April Fool kan? But im not fool enough to realize that i MISSED the interview. i quickly called hubby and hubby cepat2 suh call UiTM "appeal' he said. I pun sent email informing them my situation and later i call the OIC. The lady officer told me that she couldnt do anything and requested me to wait for another advertisement by end of the month. That mean i have to RE-APPLY! huh!
ok what makes me sooo angry and frustrated is why didnt they call me?Are they aware of the existence of Telephone? Or they dont know how to use the telephone? Or they are living in the cave where the telephone doesnt exist? I knew there are so many candidates but its not costly, you can just call n tell us on the interview date and venue. im not gossiping or bitching with you for 2 hrs coz i dont even know you. the least that i could ask is what should i bring that day.oh come on!Nonsense kan?
i guess there are few reasons they dont want to call the candidates:
1. they wanted to make the job easier for them with fewer candidates
2. those who really-really interested would come
3. they give priority and wanted the x-UiTMians to come for an interview.
tak perlah tak der rezeki. ada hikmahnya
oklah want to take bath and go to Downtown, Cheras to buy t-shirts.


yeah its fridayyyyyyyyyy! i love friday coz its last day of working and working hour is very short. my company gave us almost 3 hours break, so during that time all the ladies will take an oppurtunity to go to all shopping malls to shop or window shopping including myself. me and my colleaguw havent decided nak pergi mana today. tapi tak kisahlah, janji berjimbaaaaaaaaa!
yeah TGIF!
tonite me n hubby plan to go to downtown to buy few t-shirts and tomorrow going back to hometown to see smart and cheeky tyra. double yeaaaaaaaaaa!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

American Idol and Akademi Fantasia

im at home rite now watching AI. What a weird Lady Gaga, where she got her outfit and there is sort of zip at her eyes. soo weird!i knew that Megan been eliminated. I like her face n voice. she is pretty and her weird movement is sooo cute. talking bout AI, other than Megan, im a big fan of Anoop Dowg!Go Anoop, he was in bottom 3 this week, nevermind but he needs to choose a right song if he wanted to stay in the show and his tone is only suitable for ballad song. i remembered when he sang 'Beat It'. Gosh! so terrible and felt the same the moment i heard he sang "Caught Up'.Adam is superb, however he is so into "rock' song and i dont like rock song. Danny Gokey is so-so, but i love his tone.
Well in Malaysia the Akademi Fantasia is now in season 7. nothing much differ from the other seasons and the "transformation' tagline that they keep promoting and repeating is nothing other than 'intended surprise' yang memang sgt dibuat2 to attract viewers. ntahlah they dah habis idea actually. i personally think that the most successful AF is in Season 2. after that the show becoming more boring and boring and now since they changed the host it becoming more ridicolous ...AC with his stupid god!bring back Aznil pls.......
I remembered during my bachelor's year where i was staying with my uni mates. I was working with audit firm back then when we decided to suscribe ASTRO coz of AF3. The Astro's staff told us that they gonna pasang the Astro cable on Saturday and the AF's concert is also on Saturday. we said OK, we were very happy that time. Came Saturday, the astro's guy pasang the cable unfortunately we've been told that we will only able to use the service on Monday. we were like "WHAT????? so hows bout tonite, we've invited our frens to watch AF together-gether" so frustrated lah that time, but the plan is still ON. As promised, our frens pun datang tepat pukul 8, so we told them that the Astro is not available so we'll not be able to watch AF3. They pun frustrated and we pun condemned the Astro lah. Brilliant me as always, gave a brilliant idea hahahhaha i took AF2's CD which i borrowed from my BF(my hubby lah) and asked them to watch that CD and they all agreed hahahhahaha. so we enjoyed ourselves that nite until my hse owner the granny came out to share her excitement watching her fav student. She said 'Amylea was superb kan?' we stared at each other and i cant remembered who answered her by saying 'oh yer ker, we didnt see the show, the Astor still not available.We actually watching the AF2's concert, we pasang the CD." hahhahahahha.
As for this season, ive watched AF-diary occasionally if tak der fav programme/series that day..if not jgn haraplah. tp ive never missed the concert sebab ari sabtu mana ada rancangan menarik.this season, full of dramas as the students are so childish and irritating and the funny thing they called academy as faculty.hahahha so funny. why faculty eh? i dont know. this week is quite interesting as the girls will sing the popular Search's songs and the boys will sing Dato' Siti's. Hope that Siti will come during the concert or becoming a jury. I strongly feel Dato' Siti will come looking at her relationship with the principal, Datin Tiara. hehehehehh mcm reporter lak n to strengthen it, Amy Search came today meeting the gilrls giving them his Dato' Siti tak kan tak nak datang kot?
hehheheh...i love to see her since i heard dia dah kurus. wow! SITI!!!!!!!!

seram and spooky

just came back from meeting. i hate meeting especially meeting which discussing things yang i tak tahu. previously the meeting was attended by 'sale people' and i dont know who gave the idea that our department must attend the meeting as an observer. huh. so early this year my boss assinged everyone here to attend the meeting. fyi, the meeting is everyday.
i really hate meeting even when i were with my previous company. im not good at speaking at the public (so nervous) even if i have idea (sometimes brilliant idea which is the same with the big boss) i couldnt communicate it. so pathetic. at age 27, i still have butterfly in my stomach everytime i attended meeting. grow up lah fatty!ive been thinking from last year to attend class on 'talk with confidence'. i even surveyed english classes from BC to improve my english and my confidence. tapi until now still not moving my plan tu coz from what ive been informed there are so many classes i have to attend at BC. for each stages there are 3-4 classes. for example if ive been determined to be in class B (medium) n class B will be again segregated to 3-4 classes like blue, red, green n yellow. bear in mind for each classes the cost is about RM1k. mcmana nak fork out money kan? that's why im still here, penakut.......i have to change if not ha mcm ni jerlah aku forever and ever.
back to the meeting that i attended just now. the meeting was boring as hell n as usual i became the seat warmer and silent observer. well...since they said our department is an observer in the meeting then i acted as required lah as in OBSERVER, just observe heheheh.
i know its not good but i dont want to humiliate myself by talking nonsence and knowing me when im nervous my face will blush, smile mcm kambing n my voice akan terlekat at my throat and the worse part my voice will sound like angsa. ya allah, so terrible.
oklah will continue lagi pasal meeting ni or anything related to it later. my hubby called and its time to go home. the office pun dah senyap, ada 2-3 ppl left. ive promised my hubby to treat him at one new western restaurant nearby our hse tp still confuse coz suddenly i wanted to eat the sandwiches that i talked last nite. which one heh?

new job?

good morning.......

at the office right now,relaxing hahahah

dont have any papers, i just finished one yesterday...still waiting for another paper.

loan application normally is quite slow for the 1st quarter n this year even slower coz of the economic slowdown thingy...yer lah tak der saper want to apply for a loan, takut tak leh bayarkan

after 1 year in my department ni, ntahlah i still dunt find 'my tune' in work...i forgot almost evertything aper yg i dah buat. i couldnt even remember the name of the company yang i dah buat, hahahha see how pathetic i am...............maybe because i dunt like the job and I LOVE my previous job

so so so........ ive atttended an interview 2 days ago and i feel good coz the job is similiar with my oreviuos job.....hopefully they gonna accept me in amin provided they give me the salary yang i nak tu lah, if not tak perlah coz wut:
i know the job very well, ive been doing the job for almost 3 years. the work require my self to be soooo meticulous and well prepared. ive to do lot of readings meaning i hve to go thru all the files to know the clients, to know their history and so on. so imagine if i started the work and they give me 30 clients and the loans have been approved for more than years, imagine how many files i have to go through ehermmm. so i think that the salary yg i mintak tu is justify with the workloads and also the pressure nanti.
yesterday one lady called frm this bank and asked pasal my bond with my current company.good sign ...quoting my hubby's opinion ' they not gonna waste their time asking bout that thing if they dont want to hire u'. yeah couldt agree more.
pray with me everyone. amin

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


this gonna be a very short entry
just came back from groceries shopping, tak banyak beli groceries sgt this month
on the way back, dropped at one kedai makan nearby the supermarket and hubby bought the sandwiches, since he is vey hungry today. he's forgot to take lunch tadi hahahh workaholic tul ive never forgot my lunch in fact i tak sabar2 to take my lunch. people! the sandwiches are superb...just plan to buy it again. we both tried chicken slice sandwiches, yum yum superb!
the sandwiches like the one yg ada kat O' briens , just it is not as pricey as O' briens lah n have to wait lama skit since the guy who prepared the sandwiches was too slow. hahahha
ok gtg nak facebooking for a while and soo many hse chores await me.*sigh* (when lah the maid would come nih)


This is my first entry n i know no one would read my blog since i didnt inform anyone including my hubby of my blog. In fact i dunt want them to know either.hahhaha
ive been reading many blogs for the past few years and i enjoyed it. I keep thinking those bloggers are the creative ppl since they know how to make the story is enjoyable to read. Thank you to these bloggers as Ive been influenced and want to be part of blogsphere (true or not the spelling?). Thanks also to my hubby who keep saying that i have to start blogging if I wanted to improve my writing in english. Yup , its true and mind u ppl of my poor english.
ok ill continue with other crap things tomorrow, have to continue with my work.