Wednesday, May 13, 2009


its so shameful looking at the current political crisis in Perak.
why cant just the decision on who should be the MB goes back to Perakian?
i also just cant understand people who saying that the election is wasting people money?
where do you get the info on that n how sure all these while the said 'money' is well reserved?those people who think that way should go back to root of the problem, if the MP/Assemblyman intentionally vacated/resigned from the position without giving concrete reason, then it could be called as 'wasting people money'. however if the MP/Assemblyman threatened to resign/vacate the position which happpened to ADUN Bukit Selambau, so how we are going to do that?
back to Perak's crisis, i just hope that the fresh election to be called and let rakyat choose who shoud be the leader in Perak? To all politician, please remember that you wouldnt in your position if we the Rakyar dont elected for you, so please behave well and do your job! after all Malaysia is a Democratic country and we the rakyat have our own right to choose who we want to be the leader.period.

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