Wednesday, May 6, 2009


i supposed to blog something bout ppl around me yesterday but after consulting hubby, he's of the opinion i should avoid myself blogging bout other ppl. yes, true enuff, mana tau suddenly someone yg i blog about terbaca, matilah i kan. actually my intention to blog about someone tu just to share story bout problem and how to solve that particular problem tapi hubby not allowed to do so.
ok this gonna be a quick update, i just finished one paper and already submiited to the boss. i think he is still perusing the paper...jap lagi berbunyi lah phone ni..he wil call to discuss on my paper. this is my work routine, preparing a risk paper. such a boring job lah!
nowadays the loan application is quite slow and my work pun very slow lah. remember bout the rumours (the reshuffling thingy) i told before, todate we havent received email from HR informing bout that matter. what i know the efective date for the reshuffling matter was on 1/5/2009 tp the email still tak keluar lagi. i knew i selamat ...according to most reliable source hahaha YES!
thats all for today, will blog again
p/s: manalah bos aku ni masih tak panggil2 lagi, orang nak balik awal ari ni..........

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