Thursday, July 2, 2009

im back

well well i am
fuhhhh, i havent blogged for soooo long.quite bz with family stuff.
To start with, tyra is finaallly here. yeah, im bit nervous at first when we took heer from nenek, well you know tyra has been staying with nenek for almost 2 years n to make thing worse she couldnt accept bibik lagi that alhamdullillah thing is STILL under ctrl till now. tyra is really a smart and good girl (really!), myself n hubby always remind her that she will be staying with bibik n pls dunt notty2 and she could understand it. to our surprise she never (till todate) crying when we leave her with the bibik. she would ask the bibik to play with her, main masak2, main basikal etc, she will also tell bibik that she is mengantuk n want to sleep n nak susu. very easy lah! but this is only happen when she is staying with bibik lah, however when im around, she will become cranky, manja, want to 'dukung' etc. well yours truly ni pulak is soooo lazy to play with her or to layan her. im such a bad mom! feel guilty sometime. luckly i got an understanding hubby(when he is not busylah) so that we could ganti2 to entertain her. tp if hubby has to work/got meeting, then it will be different story, then ill becoming the master of tai chi. ermmm, yeslah! i have to layan tyra playing, then the maid also has to be guided. fyi, i cook everyday, so everynight the maid has to prepare all the ingredients, so that the next morning i cld cook easily and jimat masa. hehehhe

on the other note, it was my 28th b'day on 28/6/2009. as promised (read:requested by me) hubby bought me the gold bangle. hahaa it cost fortune for him. he said ' no more gold after this!' i said "OK (read: yooor lah tu, nak lagi, nak lagi). thank you sayang! it feel really great to get something from someone special in ur life n more special if it is expensive..................NOT!kidding jer! n i feel a bit emotional/melancholic (read: wanted to cry) when hubby wishes me a happy b'day. dunt know why, tapi i think coz i keep remembering how many things that we have been thru together, the ups and downs and alhamdullillah i still have a chance to hear the bday wish from hubby and tyra. thanks abang for the wish and present and may ALLAH bless our marriage till forever and ever! i love u sooo much. to athirah, thanks for singing the bday song to mama!very cute and i cld understand u well! i know very soon you will understand the meaning of b'day and by that time, kopaklah duit mama n babah. hahhaha~
ok gtg, got job to do.
bye xoxo

p/s: ill promise myself to update the blog regularly!

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