Thursday, April 2, 2009

new job?

good morning.......

at the office right now,relaxing hahahah

dont have any papers, i just finished one yesterday...still waiting for another paper.

loan application normally is quite slow for the 1st quarter n this year even slower coz of the economic slowdown thingy...yer lah tak der saper want to apply for a loan, takut tak leh bayarkan

after 1 year in my department ni, ntahlah i still dunt find 'my tune' in work...i forgot almost evertything aper yg i dah buat. i couldnt even remember the name of the company yang i dah buat, hahahha see how pathetic i am...............maybe because i dunt like the job and I LOVE my previous job

so so so........ ive atttended an interview 2 days ago and i feel good coz the job is similiar with my oreviuos job.....hopefully they gonna accept me in amin provided they give me the salary yang i nak tu lah, if not tak perlah coz wut:
i know the job very well, ive been doing the job for almost 3 years. the work require my self to be soooo meticulous and well prepared. ive to do lot of readings meaning i hve to go thru all the files to know the clients, to know their history and so on. so imagine if i started the work and they give me 30 clients and the loans have been approved for more than years, imagine how many files i have to go through ehermmm. so i think that the salary yg i mintak tu is justify with the workloads and also the pressure nanti.
yesterday one lady called frm this bank and asked pasal my bond with my current company.good sign ...quoting my hubby's opinion ' they not gonna waste their time asking bout that thing if they dont want to hire u'. yeah couldt agree more.
pray with me everyone. amin


  1. Marwan (Your hubby)April 2, 2009 at 11:17 AM

    yeah honey it's good for the initial stage and
    maybe one day, your blog will be a famous
    blog as similar as chedet's blog (mesti yang meluat kan?heheh).
    This is the time for you to sharpen your writing skill and at
    the same time for giving you good experience and good exposure
    in this field (Archieve your dream to be a novelist, who knows?).
    And last but not least, i'll support behind you what ever you want to do
    in your live for archieving your dreams.Good and keep it up!!

  2. thanks abang
    so sweeeet of u
    tu lah yang memang nak sharpen my english
    blog is the venue, yes mana tau yang leh jadi translator, novelist
    so abangg keep visiting my blog and give me ur honest and sincere comment k
