Friday, April 3, 2009


im soooo bengang today.
i started off my day very well until i checked my Yahoo email. Initially i checked the email for purpose of registration at KDN. ill tell on the KDN thingy in another entry lah. so ntah mcmana tergerak hati nak check the SPAM.tup tup there was an email from UiTM. my heart was like dup dap dup dap. upon reading the title of the email, i was sooo happy, i knew ive been shorlisted, yeayyyyyyy!However, when i read further, yes true enough ive been shortlisted for the scholarship BUT the interview was yesterday. i mean YESTERDAY 2/4/2009. i was ssoooo shocked. 'is this a joke?Yes, tell me its April Fool kan? But im not fool enough to realize that i MISSED the interview. i quickly called hubby and hubby cepat2 suh call UiTM "appeal' he said. I pun sent email informing them my situation and later i call the OIC. The lady officer told me that she couldnt do anything and requested me to wait for another advertisement by end of the month. That mean i have to RE-APPLY! huh!
ok what makes me sooo angry and frustrated is why didnt they call me?Are they aware of the existence of Telephone? Or they dont know how to use the telephone? Or they are living in the cave where the telephone doesnt exist? I knew there are so many candidates but its not costly, you can just call n tell us on the interview date and venue. im not gossiping or bitching with you for 2 hrs coz i dont even know you. the least that i could ask is what should i bring that day.oh come on!Nonsense kan?
i guess there are few reasons they dont want to call the candidates:
1. they wanted to make the job easier for them with fewer candidates
2. those who really-really interested would come
3. they give priority and wanted the x-UiTMians to come for an interview.
tak perlah tak der rezeki. ada hikmahnya
oklah want to take bath and go to Downtown, Cheras to buy t-shirts.


  1. Your hubbyy againnApril 7, 2009 at 8:44 PM

    Hi yang, jangan terlalu frust dan marah, mungkin ada hikmahnya yang tak dapat because setiap apa yang berlaku, actually ada sebab2nya yang sememangnya kita tak tahu. Pertama, mungkin athirah n abang belum bersedia melepaskan yang lagi untuk pergi jauh dan yang keduanya, mungkin tuhan akan membenarkan yang pergi jauh selepas abang mempunyai banyak duit untuk menanggung kesemuanya termasuk membiayai pembelajaran yang di sana.itu semuanya mungkin sebab2 tuhan masih belum membenarkannya lagi disebabkan kita masing2 tidak bersedia lagi. Tapi itu semuanya adalah mungkin!!!. Tapi apa2 pun, yang boleh try mintak lagi n mungkin kali ni yang akan dapat dan tuhan akan membenarkan yang untuk pergi dan kita semua mungkin sudah bersedia untuk semua itu. So akhir kata, jgn bersedih n anggap semua tu ada hikmahnya.

  2. thanks for the support
    love u
