im at home rite now watching AI. What a weird Lady Gaga, where she got her outfit and there is sort of zip at her eyes. soo weird!i knew that Megan been eliminated. I like her face n voice. she is pretty and her weird movement is sooo cute. talking bout AI, other than Megan, im a big fan of Anoop Dowg!Go Anoop, he was in bottom 3 this week, nevermind but he needs to choose a right song if he wanted to stay in the show and his tone is only suitable for ballad song. i remembered when he sang 'Beat It'. Gosh! so terrible and felt the same the moment i heard he sang "Caught Up'.Adam is superb, however he is so into "rock' song and i dont like rock song. Danny Gokey is so-so, but i love his tone.
Well in Malaysia the Akademi Fantasia is now in season 7. nothing much differ from the other seasons and the "transformation' tagline that they keep promoting and repeating is nothing other than 'intended surprise' yang memang sgt dibuat2 to attract viewers. ntahlah they dah habis idea actually. i personally think that the most successful AF is in Season 2. after that the show becoming more boring and boring and now since they changed the host it becoming more ridicolous ...AC with his stupid god!bring back Aznil pls.......
I remembered during my bachelor's year where i was staying with my uni mates. I was working with audit firm back then when we decided to suscribe ASTRO coz of AF3. The Astro's staff told us that they gonna pasang the Astro cable on Saturday and the AF's concert is also on Saturday. we said OK, we were very happy that time. Came Saturday, the astro's guy pasang the cable unfortunately we've been told that we will only able to use the service on Monday. we were like "WHAT????? so hows bout tonite, we've invited our frens to watch AF together-gether" so frustrated lah that time, but the plan is still ON. As promised, our frens pun datang tepat pukul 8, so we told them that the Astro is not available so we'll not be able to watch AF3. They pun frustrated and we pun condemned the Astro lah. Brilliant me as always, gave a brilliant idea hahahhaha i took AF2's CD which i borrowed from my BF(my hubby lah) and asked them to watch that CD and they all agreed hahahhahaha. so we enjoyed ourselves that nite until my hse owner the granny came out to share her excitement watching her fav student. She said 'Amylea was superb kan?' we stared at each other and i cant remembered who answered her by saying 'oh yer ker, we didnt see the show, the Astor still not available.We actually watching the AF2's concert, we pasang the CD." hahhahahahha.
As for this season, ive watched AF-diary occasionally if tak der fav programme/series that day..if not jgn haraplah. tp ive never missed the concert sebab ari sabtu mana ada rancangan menarik.this season, full of dramas as the students are so childish and irritating and the funny thing they called academy as faculty.hahahha so funny. why faculty eh? i dont know. this week is quite interesting as the girls will sing the popular Search's songs and the boys will sing Dato' Siti's. Hope that Siti will come during the concert or becoming a jury. I strongly feel Dato' Siti will come looking at her relationship with the principal, Datin Tiara. hehehehehh mcm reporter lak n to strengthen it, Amy Search came today meeting the gilrls giving them his Dato' Siti tak kan tak nak datang kot?
hehheheh...i love to see her since i heard dia dah kurus. wow! SITI!!!!!!!!