Thursday, April 2, 2009

seram and spooky

just came back from meeting. i hate meeting especially meeting which discussing things yang i tak tahu. previously the meeting was attended by 'sale people' and i dont know who gave the idea that our department must attend the meeting as an observer. huh. so early this year my boss assinged everyone here to attend the meeting. fyi, the meeting is everyday.
i really hate meeting even when i were with my previous company. im not good at speaking at the public (so nervous) even if i have idea (sometimes brilliant idea which is the same with the big boss) i couldnt communicate it. so pathetic. at age 27, i still have butterfly in my stomach everytime i attended meeting. grow up lah fatty!ive been thinking from last year to attend class on 'talk with confidence'. i even surveyed english classes from BC to improve my english and my confidence. tapi until now still not moving my plan tu coz from what ive been informed there are so many classes i have to attend at BC. for each stages there are 3-4 classes. for example if ive been determined to be in class B (medium) n class B will be again segregated to 3-4 classes like blue, red, green n yellow. bear in mind for each classes the cost is about RM1k. mcmana nak fork out money kan? that's why im still here, penakut.......i have to change if not ha mcm ni jerlah aku forever and ever.
back to the meeting that i attended just now. the meeting was boring as hell n as usual i became the seat warmer and silent observer. well...since they said our department is an observer in the meeting then i acted as required lah as in OBSERVER, just observe heheheh.
i know its not good but i dont want to humiliate myself by talking nonsence and knowing me when im nervous my face will blush, smile mcm kambing n my voice akan terlekat at my throat and the worse part my voice will sound like angsa. ya allah, so terrible.
oklah will continue lagi pasal meeting ni or anything related to it later. my hubby called and its time to go home. the office pun dah senyap, ada 2-3 ppl left. ive promised my hubby to treat him at one new western restaurant nearby our hse tp still confuse coz suddenly i wanted to eat the sandwiches that i talked last nite. which one heh?