Tuesday, April 14, 2009

super duper maid


quite bz for the past few weeks ....n explained why there was a silent here.

so many things happened, let start with weekend, as usual went back to kampung to lawat tyra. our routine since tyra staying with granny. talking bout tyra's milestone she is soo cheeky n smart, she could understand whatever that we instructed her to do, she could also 'menyampuk' whenever i n hubby borak. she can sing n dance very well (dont know where she inherit it from, hubby kot), but the move so funny. her favorite song is Matta, Ketahuan.

on the other note, finally the maid was here. we picked her up at Subang airport last two weeks.im quite nervous to be honest when been informed by the agent that she is coming. yeah, funny kan. tapi tulah she is kinda new family member, where she would be staying with us 24-7, so basically she will know me, my hubby my whole family in and out. our maid is from medan and the first thing lingered in my mind the first time i saw her was 'wow, pinknyer dia n kecil giler k'. i was thinking ' this is not actually the maid that i wanted, coz im looking for someone yang kinda decent and nampak kekampungan. but my maid ni is far away from my expectation. after that me and hubby did talk to her a bit lah, asking dah makan belum and she told us makan pukul 10. since we gonna straight away head to Jengka, better to take dinner with the maid lah kan. kang pengsan pula she coz she didnt look well the moment we saw her. she told us that she sejuk, yerlah we understandlah kan naik flight first time and so on. during the journey, the maid puked coz she doesnt biasa naik kereta. very dramatic lah since we have to stop few times at the hi-way coz dia nak muntah. so we were like 'alamak she really need to eat lah, perut dah kosng sangat ni'. so huby decided to stop at one restaurant at Gombak and i really excited to go there since the last time we ate there was like 1 ++ year ago. we were not really hungry that time tapi can eatlah. when we arrived at the restaurant, the maid was sleeping and i wake her up lah. suprisingly she didnt want to get up coz not hungry. i told hubby and hubby pun asked her to wake up tp she still laying in the car and ignored us. i was like "OMG,WTH!!!not even 1 hour she already showed her true colours!" ni tak leh jadi ni. hubby also feel the same and said its not a good signlah.ok we both calmed down, never mind let give her a chance considering she's not feeling well.
we arrived at Jengka around 9pm and we kejutkan the maid.she bangun and we asked her to bring the plastic that contains her muntah. once she get out from the car spontenously she thrown away the plastic. hubby pun shouting at her upon seeing she thrown away the plastic. yerlah imagine she buang the plastik kat halaman rumah, muntah dia ok!i think she really terkejut lepas dgr jeritan hubby so di terduduk tau, crying i guess. my oh my. we both ignored her and asked her to come inside the hse. i even sediakan tempat tidur dia since dia kena tido kat ruang tamu, and she slept for the rest of the nite.
in the morning she woke up at 7am and i instructed (im a boss k) her to take bath coz well i already arranged the ice-breaking session bla bla. (u know the normal thing the boss will do with the new staff at the office heh!)i n hubby explained to her what we expect her to do and one of it is to perform solat. yes solat!she is muslim as ive been informed by the agent. she has no excuses not to do so, and this maid who is really brilliant surprised us AGAIN by saying that she doesnt know how to perform solat. her parents also dont perform solat.WHAT?inhale, exhale fuhhhh!ok we said nevermind we will teach you which i dont even confident that i would be able to do so. imagine how hard to teach a lady whose age is 24yo to baca bacaan solat, far away to teach her to recite al-quran. bolehlah i ajar tp it would take time, silap2 nanti tyra lagi pandai dari dia (nway tyra is cleverer day by day).my mom n sisters willing to help to teach her nanti, ok relief sikit hearing that.
after that ice-breaking session she proceed to do the job.tp pukul 11 she sleep since her pusing-ness masih tak hilang lagi she said.ok nevermind, sleep lah!i n hubby went for shopping buying the maid's necessities. imagine this, we arrived at the hse at 3pm and guess what?the maid is still sleeping!inhale, exhale fuhhh!i cannot tahan n woke her up. she woke up tp buat muka ok!her muka was like 'hey, wth u wake me up, aku pusing ok!tak habis pusing lagi ni!' i asked her 'masih pusing ke?' 'yes' she said. i asked her to wake up and take her lunch to reduce her pusing-ness.she reluctant tau which made me geram and i hashly asked her 'r u really pusing or u teringat ur family?' my oh my, she cried again and admitted that she missed her family and and people she even asked me TO SEND HER HOME!no more inhale and exhale, this time i falled onto the floor and coma for few hours, i need a CPR!i called my hubby for CPR, mouth to mouth fuh fuh fuh n i woke up "WHAT !GOING HOME AFTER NOT EVEN 24 HRS ARRIVING AT MALAYSIA'. well well at that time i was thinking to apply to the Malaysia Guiness Book of Record to award/record me as 'THE BEST EMPLOYER' well for allowing maid to wrk for me for less than 24hours. im the best employer and my maid is actually not a maid kan,im wrong i should call her a TOURIST!yes a tourist!
hubby calm as he is, said 'ok nevermind we give u time, we'll discuss bout it tonite.we went to atok's hse and discussing with them on the matter and we came up with few plans. came nite, we went back to mom's hse and called the maid to discuss on the matter. hubby start the conversation, i dah malas i dah tawar hati.she reiterated the same thing she wanted to go home. hubby said ok, u could do so but you need to understand few things. first: we have paid about IDR7 million and since you've been here less than 24 hours, u've breached the contract. so so you need to pay us that sum immediately. if u cldnt do so, we will ask the agent to find a replacement and we will not pay a single cents on that coz u'll pay for that!if u cldnt do anyone of them,we will terminate ur visa and u can go back to ur country on your own. the least we cld help is to send u to the airport. all the matters such as buying the flight ticket have to do by yourselves.upon hearing that, she looked confused and immidiately saying that she wanna stay, this was the time when i started talking ' no!i want a firm answer and i wanted an ikhlas answer. i dunt want u to keep changing the answer, sekejap yes, sekejap no. after that, the agent called (as i told the agent on the matter and he promised to allow the family to talk to her) and the maid talked to the agent and her family. all of them have pujuk her to stay and inform her on the consequences if she went home. i even expressed my dissapointment to the agent for what has happened. he asked me to give a second chance as he belives that the maid cld do the job and really wanted to work. since the maid agreed to stay, well as a boss (big boss) i have learnt that i cldnt bagi muka to this maid, i even cldnt talk softly and politely, i have to be LOUD and FIRM. i warned her that i dont want this thing to be happened again. i even tegur her for her behaviour for the past 24 hrs. i siap cakap my trust pada dia dah kurang and she has to gain the trust from me.
huh, so panjang cerita pasal maid ni. now, the maid is showing a positive sign alhamdullillah and hopely the positive attitude will be lasted for the rest of her tenure with me. AMIN


  1. Your Hubby is comingApril 24, 2009 at 11:23 AM

    Ermm, it's so quite long text, n i think you should come up with the novel "Oh My Maid", hehehehe.I believe the novel would be sold out. Hopefully, our maid always shows us the positive attitude and good performance. Amin Ya rabbal alamin.

  2. yer lah abang kena doa supaya dia akan kekal mcm ni selalu
    takutkan kalau nak tinggalkan tyra ngan dia nanti
