Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kris Allen is the WINNER!

yeay!my fav Kris Allen won AI. yeay!!

the 'underdog' as what people labelled him, but i knew he could win this season and ITS PROVEN TRUE!hehhehe

no doubt adam did a food job last nite, however the theateritical way of singing and the "BLAAA" ( u know what i mean!) way of singing make me 'scared' hahhahah. looking at kris, he potrayed a heartrob type, soft, kind and the list goes on.

on the personal note, ive proven to hubby that im not a 'minority' (thats what he called me when talking bout music preferences), just that my taste is not really the MALAYSIAN kinda music stream!hahahhaha.i enjoyed listening to western music or senang cakap lagu orang putih and thats why i like malaysian artist who has a resemblance with the orang putih's music. hehheheh
(sure hubby nak muntah) hahhahahah

BUT its true, i enjoyed music which is new to malaysia but i know its HOT n IN outside malaysia., except that i do love Siti Nurhaliza till now.
n with Kris won the AI, its proven that im NOT the minority ( maybe a minority to you, abang) but i have a taste which is the same with the majority of American who has chosen Kris!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

American Idol

Its Kris vs Adam in the final..............

p/s: abang, nampaknya kita akan sama2 berlawan each other next week!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


its so shameful looking at the current political crisis in Perak.
why cant just the decision on who should be the MB goes back to Perakian?
i also just cant understand people who saying that the election is wasting people money?
where do you get the info on that n how sure all these while the said 'money' is well reserved?those people who think that way should go back to root of the problem, if the MP/Assemblyman intentionally vacated/resigned from the position without giving concrete reason, then it could be called as 'wasting people money'. however if the MP/Assemblyman threatened to resign/vacate the position which happpened to ADUN Bukit Selambau, so how we are going to do that?
back to Perak's crisis, i just hope that the fresh election to be called and let rakyat choose who shoud be the leader in Perak? To all politician, please remember that you wouldnt in your position if we the Rakyar dont elected for you, so please behave well and do your job! after all Malaysia is a Democratic country and we the rakyat have our own right to choose who we want to be the leader.period.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


damn! i just ate nasi with ikan bilis goreng....
damn!! padahal saya baru sahaja pergi gym n after that saya makan
how come this thing happened?can someone tell me?
and rite after definetely will sleep....there my exercise go!!!!!

American Idol

yes, my fav contestant Kris Allen still in the competition.....
Allison was out ...kuang kuang
yeah i know the chances for Kris to win AI very slim..however i just love to see him performing at the final ..
3 of them (Kris, Adam n Danny) gonna make a trip to their hometown next week and they gonna sing 2 songs of which one is judges choice and another one is their own fav.
ok cant wait for next week

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


why suddenly i felt so hot, hot n hot! need some air lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!can someone tell me how should i deal with the "HOT" thingy?
i need to be rationale however past experience will always be a guide on how u should treat ppl. experience is still the best teacher.................


i supposed to blog something bout ppl around me yesterday but after consulting hubby, he's of the opinion i should avoid myself blogging bout other ppl. yes, true enuff, mana tau suddenly someone yg i blog about terbaca, matilah i kan. actually my intention to blog about someone tu just to share story bout problem and how to solve that particular problem tapi hubby not allowed to do so.
ok this gonna be a quick update, i just finished one paper and already submiited to the boss. i think he is still perusing the paper...jap lagi berbunyi lah phone ni..he wil call to discuss on my paper. this is my work routine, preparing a risk paper. such a boring job lah!
nowadays the loan application is quite slow and my work pun very slow lah. remember bout the rumours (the reshuffling thingy) i told before, todate we havent received email from HR informing bout that matter. what i know the efective date for the reshuffling matter was on 1/5/2009 tp the email still tak keluar lagi. i knew i selamat ...according to most reliable source hahaha YES!
thats all for today, will blog again
p/s: manalah bos aku ni masih tak panggil2 lagi, orang nak balik awal ari ni..........

Monday, May 4, 2009


nothing much happened for last week except that long holiday which means longer time spent with tyra.
if u all noticed ive put mixpod in my blog. all the songs are my favorite at this moment, one of them is from Kris Allen. i really really like the week where he sand Donna Summer's "She works hard for the money'. hope he could go to final!
on the other hand, tyra is growing up well. her vocabulary is tremendously brilliant. i could understand what she says and she could understand me as well. she behaves like an adult and the most shocking thing that she could do is to manipulate/twist the story. fyi, she still doesnt like the maid. i dont know why, she keep bullying the maid until todate. however she would tell us different story about the maid. contohnya, she pinched/beated the maid, however she would tell me and hubby the other way round like 'mama,bibik bit yah' (mama, bibik cubit tyra, nway she still call herself YAH) hahahhah. brilliant isnt it for girl below 2yo?
myself and hubby risau jugak looking at this situation as we planned to bring tyra to KL end of May, by then, we're hoping that tyra could accept the maid. she would be staying with the maid while im working.ya ALLAH, mintaklah the plan goes smoothly.
remember, ive blogged bout the interview that i attended last Feb. yesterday, i kemas my handbag and suddently found biz card from a lady from C*** who was also attended the same interview. so i think to email her to know the status of the interview , so today she infrmed me that she has got a letter and the bank offered her the post, however she is considered as reserve.her fren just accepted the offer and would lapor diri this coming June. I was soooo frustrated knowing that. i was hoping that they would offer me the post. tp tak de rezeki, dahlah interview UiTM ari tu tak gi gak. hey!how pathetic kan? nevermind adalah hikmahnya tu kan...
oklah im sleepy *yawn* and tired coz i went to gym today and kena denda with the instructor since i didnt go to gym last week eating hahhaha
oklah good nite everybadeh!