yeay!my fav Kris Allen won AI. yeay!!
the 'underdog' as what people labelled him, but i knew he could win this season and ITS PROVEN TRUE!hehhehe
no doubt adam did a food job last nite, however the theateritical way of singing and the "BLAAA" ( u know what i mean!) way of singing make me 'scared' hahhahah. looking at kris, he potrayed a heartrob type, soft, kind and the list goes on.
on the personal note, ive proven to hubby that im not a 'minority' (thats what he called me when talking bout music preferences), just that my taste is not really the MALAYSIAN kinda music stream!hahahhaha.i enjoyed listening to western music or senang cakap lagu orang putih and thats why i like malaysian artist who has a resemblance with the orang putih's music. hehheheh
(sure hubby nak muntah) hahhahahah

BUT its true, i enjoyed music which is new to malaysia but i know its HOT n IN outside malaysia., except that i do love Siti Nurhaliza till now.
n with Kris won the AI, its proven that im NOT the minority ( maybe a minority to you, abang) but i have a taste which is the same with the majority of American who has chosen Kris!