Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long silent

How to start eh! Don’t know where to start. I haven’t updated the blog for a year I think. Well, I’ve been very lazy to update the blog. I know this "M' bug will come, when I first started blogging. True enough it did happen, that explain the long silent and spider web here. Heheh.

To start with, sooo many things had happened for the past 1-year. Let start with the family first, we have officially moved to our own house in June this year. Yeay! Finally our own house! The house not so big lah, enough for our small family. Alhamdulillah! That’s the greatest lifetime achievement for me and hubby so far, and we both happy that one of our dreams has finally came true.

Hubby on the other hand, still chubbier and getting chubbier every day still working at the same place. The same old hubby still chubbier and getting chubbier every day and the same love between us but it keeps growing day by day! Tyra is now 3 years old, just celebrated her birthday few weeks ago. She is smatter day by day. I love her so much. No plan for a new addition to the family this year as we are still adjusting our money matter with the new obligation. Hence, Tyra's adik plan to put on hold! Hehehhe. Ok enough with the family stuff.

Let start with ma stories. I’m still working at the same old place (DUH!). Been looking for new job and went through 1 interview, but (sob sob) I’m not that lucky, so I’m still here. However, my office has gone through a mass restructuring exercise, so I’m now in a new department. This new department is like a wake up call for all of us, very busy with pile of works to do! So I need to manage my work properly and I keep reminding myself not to procrastinate, otherwise I will be caught up with tones of works. With raya is approaching in few weeks time, I better manage my work properly.

Ok here is the highlight of entry, this next thing actually is the thing that drive me to start blog again hahahha. *Drum roll* I found new hobby! YES, new hobby! New hobby that changed my life 360 degrees n changed myself to a new someone. I’m now into R.U.N.N.I.N.G! Yes running! Actually early this year, I started feeling unhappy with my weight and body. I feel my body macam makcik body, all flabby and lemak bersepah-sepah! and to make things worse, I couldn’t fit into most of my bajus especially my office attire. GOSH! This is when I started stalking following one of my x-unimates activity. She is into running as well. She keeps FB-ing about all the running competitions that she entered and the preparation she did for that competitions. And all of u can imagine lah how her body looks like kan?! I said to myself, why not I join it, after all it’s not that difficult! U just need to run, easy peasy, run! Everybody knows how to run! Coincidently, one of my colleagues suggested that we started jogging at KLCC park, and make it as our regular Friday afternoon activity on top of our twice a week aerobic class! DANG! All happened at the right time! So that is where and when, I started running. For record purposes, I started running in April 2010.

Since then, I started planned my running activity and also tried to look for tips from the web. Hubby and colleagues were surprised with my determination. Some even asked what makes me serious about running of which I could not find any answer to it. But one thing for sure that time, I want to run. To make my running activity meaningful, I think it is better if I could join any running competition, so that I could measure my performance chewah! I tried to look for the nearest running event and I found out that SCKLM would be held in June 2010. DANG AGAIN! all happened at the right time! Since I already have my target, what I need to do is a regular running activity. I ran during weekends and Friday. On top of that I attended aerobic class every Monday and Thursday at my office. I increased my running miles 1 month before SCKLM. However, as a beginner you could not run away from injury. That is what happened to me. I took injury as a small matter and I didn’t pay any attention to injury preventions suggested by the web. What I want is to run faster and keep my miles increasing. Most of the times, I ignored the warm-up session be it before or after running, I just ran once I hit the tarmac. The pain started at my knees and at first I took it lightly. But the pain is getting stronger and to the extent I could not even stand properly and had to solat using the chair. I found out that the pain known as ‘Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome’. But it doesn’t stop me from running. My target is clear I want to finish my maiden 5km run in SCKLM. Hahaha, poyo me coz it’s only 5km. I managed to finish 5km run with hubby and fellow colleagues (yeay!) , but I decided to rest after SCKLM for recovery process. I visited the orthopedic surgeon one week after the run and to my surprise he suggested me to undergo the knees surgery. I refused to follow his advice and asked for alternative ways and he suggested a blood injection thingy (I forgot the name of the procedure) i.e. he will take my blood from any parts of my body, process it and then re-inject at my knees of which I didn’t come for the scheduled procedure. Heheheh. Actually I’m afraid to go through the process as I think my injury is not that serious. I even checked with other runner bloggers and found out that they even faced the same problem like mine. They suggested a normal way to treat it, take supplement for joints known as ‘Condrophil’ and Alhamdulillah the surgeon prescribed me the supplement and I religiously took that supplement. Now, I’m happily announced that I am free from the knees problem and am able to RUN.AGAIN. I re-iterate I.CAN.RUN.AGAIN.period!

If you think I stop running during the hibernation period, you are totally wrong! My mind keep ‘running’ through the list of running events in myraceonline.com and even other website. Hence, I have registered my self into 2 running events and eyeing for 1 running event which hasn’t open for registration yet. So here’s the list of my running plan:

September – Olympic Day Run (7km)
October – Mizuno 11km Wave Run
November – still looking for suitable running event
December – Malakoff 12km Run

See, how determine myself in my new hobby, I hope I wont stop here and I don’t ‘ hangat-hangat tahi ayam’. Heheheh. I need to maintain my weight oh ya! Forgot to tell y’all that this running thingy has helped me in getting my ideal weight! (*Proud*) So whatcha waiting for ladies! Go running!